Fillmore County Rural Transit Services

Do you live in or need access to Fillmore County? We have a transit service that can transport people within and out of the county, with priority given to elderly and disabled residents.

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About the Program

This is a county-wide transportation service within and out of Fillmore County. FCRTS is a demand-response provider, operating Monday-Friday (except holidays and/or severe inclement weather) from 8:00a.m. to 4:00p.m. Services are available for a small fee for general public, with priority given to elderly and disabled residents. Transportation to Lincoln, Hastings, Grand Island and York is provided two days per week as per the schedule.

Fares: All prices are one way. Cash is accepted at the time of the trip or a transit ticket can be purchased. Fare amounts are as follows:

  • $1 – within city limits
  • $2 – town to town or rural to town
  • $3 – York
  • $5 – Lincoln, Hastings, Grand Island

Transit Office Contact Information:

  • 1320 G Street Geneva, NE
    Phone: (402) 759-3345
    Transit Manager: Brenda Sherwin

FCRTS Eligibility and Expectations:

  • Open to the public, no age or income restrictions.
  • State car seat and booster seat requirements followed. Adult must accompany child under age three.
  • All riders, adults and children, are required to use safety restraints appropriate for age and size based on Nebraska State Law. Car seats and booster seats can be provided if needed.
  • Riders are expected to refrain from any abusive, disruptive, or hazardous behavior to self, passengers, and driver.
  • Riders are expected to refrain from riding when ill.
  • FCRTS is committed to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
  • FCRTS will make reasonable modifications/accommodations to ensure that transit is accessible to individuals with disabilities.
  • Service animals are welcome but must have written certification from a medical/mental health professional. No pets are allowed.
  • Masking and other PPE may be required depending on pandemic or other health mandates
  • No Show Policy: any passenger who is not at their designated pick-up point within five (5) minutes after their scheduled ride time will be considered a “no show” and the driver will continue with the next scheduled pick-up. Rides not canceled prior to the appointed pick up time are also considered “no shows”. You will be responsible for paying for this ride next time you ride.

The Nebraska Department of Transportation (NDOT) operates its programs and services without regard to race, color, or national origin in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act. Any person who believes they have been aggrieved by an unlawful discriminatory practice under Title VI may file a complaint of discrimination by completing and submitting the agency’s Title VI Discrimination Complaint Form. This form can be downloaded on the agency website at Additionally, the form can be requested by contacting NDOT at the following email address: A telephone interpreter can be provided to assist persons of limited English proficiency.  For grievances regarding the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and/or reasonable modifications complaints, please contact the Family and Community Services Director at (402) 729-2278 ext. 106.

We Serve

This service is typically for elderly and disabled individuals who need transportation to medical appointments as well as for shopping and other basic needs.  We also transport school students who are ineligible for the school bus but need transportation.

Counties Served


FCRT-Passenger-Handbook 228.42 KB


Register for Fillmore County Rural Transit Services

402-759-3345Call Now
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The Community Action Promise

Community Action changes people’s lives, embodies the spirit of hope, improves communities, and makes America a better place to live. We care about the entire community and we are dedicated to helping people help themselves and each other.


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